Methods Adopt double-pole electric-coagulative hemostasis, combine order method with retrograde method in minichclecystectomy. 极电凝止血、顺逆结合法行小切口胆囊切除。
The present study was undertaken to identify some afferent connections of the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis ( GC) in guinea pigs by using HRP retrograde tracing method. 应用HRP技术,将HRP注入豚鼠延髓网状巨细胞核,追踪其传入纤维的起源。
Objective To take test of biomechanics of humerus self-locking intramedullary nail, and the test of inserting needles through the upper point of olecranon fossa by retrograde method and to offer the method and evidence for clinical application of safe treatment for fracture of humeral shaft. 目的研制出一种新型肱骨自锁髓内钉,并对其生物力学进行测试,同时采用鹰嘴窝上方为进针点逆行进针进行小组病例测试,为临床治疗肱骨干骨折的安全应用提供方法和依据。
Method The flourescent retrograde tracing method and quantitative anatomical techniques were used. 方法研究采用荧光逆行示踪标记法和定量解剖学技术。
Retrograde method for toe replantation 逆行法再植足趾
Methods Horseradish peroxidase ( HRP) retrograde mark method was used to observe the changes of the motoneurons in oculomotor nucleus after the conduit repair of cat oculomotor nerves. 方法用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)标记法观察猫动眼神经横断并分别采用导管套接和神经桥接修复后,其动眼神经运动核内神经元的变化。
Methods: Fluoro gold ( FG) retrograde tracing method combined with immunofluorescence histochemical staining for PKC γ were used. 方法:荧光金(FG)逆行追踪与PKCγ免疫荧光组织化学染色相结合的双标记技术。
METHODS Retrograde tracing method was used. [方法]用辣根过氧化物酶逆行追踪法。
Methods: HRP retrograde transport method was used to observe the distribution of medial rectus motoneurons. 方法:采用HRP逆行标记法。
Study on sympathetic postganglionic neuronal innervation of uterus of uterine tube in hens with retrograde tracing method 支配鸡输卵管子宫部交感节后神经元的逆行追踪研究
Origin of Efferent Vagus Nerve Fibers Innervating Pancreas& A Study with HRP Retrograde Tracing Method 支配胰腺的迷走神经传出纤维起源&HRP逆行追踪法
In the present study, our aim was to solve the problem by a double labeling study by using retrograde tracing method combined with immunofluorescence histochemistry. 本文用FG逆标和免疫组化相结合的方法对此进行了研究。
Afferent connections of the pontine tegmentum in guinea pigs HRP retrograde tracing method 豚鼠脑桥被盖部位HRP逆行标记的传入联系
Study on Remak Nerve Innervating Uterin Tube in Hens with Retrograde Tracing Method 肠神经对鸡输卵管支配的逆行追踪法研究
Afferent connections of the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis in guinea pig: retrograde tracing method 豚鼠延髓网状巨细胞核传入联系&HRP逆行标记法
The spinal pathways of the solitary tract nuclei in domestic fowls& a study with HRP retrograde transport method 6种家禽孤束核的脊髓通路&HRP逆行追踪法研究
Divergent axon collaterals from forebrain and brainstem to the dorsal hippocampus in the rat were examined by means of HRP method and fluorescent retrograde double labeling method. 本文用HRP法及荧光素逆行双标记法,研究了大白鼠前脑和脑干向双侧背海马的分支投射。
The afferent projections to the posterior hippocampus in the rat were investigated by means of HRP retrograde tracing method. 本文用HRP逆行追踪法研究了大白鼠后海马的传入纤维来源。
Root canal was prepared with gradually retrograde method. 两组均采用逐步后退法进行根管预备。
Neurons projecting from the superior colliculus to the nucleus raphe magnus and adjacent reticular formation were identified in 9 adult cats with the retrograde HRP method. 将辣根过氧化物酶注射于9只猫的大中缝核及其一侧邻近网状结构(巨细胞网状核或尾侧脑桥网状核)。
Methods: Using the double labelling technique which combines the immunocytochemical Avidin-Biotin-Peroxidase complex ( ABC) method with the Horseradish Peroxidase ( HRP) retrograde tracing method to study the neurotransmitters in fibers projected to dorsal hippocampus from locus coeruleus. 方法:用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)逆行追踪法和免疫组织化学相结合的双重标记技术研究蓝斑TH样神经元至背海马投射。
Retrograde replantation method for amputated hallux 逆行法断拇趾再植
Neurons in remak nerve innervating the uterin tube of hens were observed with retrograde tracing method. 应用HRP和CB-HRP逆行追踪支配鸡输卵管神经元在肠神经内的分布和形态特点,以探察鸡肠神经在体内的支配范围以及肠神经对生殖系统的可能调节作用。
The efferent connections of the nucleus paragigantocellularis lateralis ( PGCL) were studied in the rat with horseradish peroxidase ( HRP) anterograde and retrograde transport method. 用HRP轴■顺、逆行追踪法观察了大鼠外侧巨细胞旁网状核(PGCL)的传出纤维联系。
Afferent connections of the oaudoputamen in the rat were studied by axonal retrograde transport method using horseradish peroxidase ( HRP). 应用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)的逆行传递技术研究了大鼠尾壳复合体的传入性联系。
Experimental study on the artificial bladder reflex arc established by abdominal reflex after spinal cord injury with the HRP retrograde tracing method 利用腹壁反射建立人工膀胱反射弧的辣根过氧化物酶逆行示踪研究
Use retrograde surgical method and let patient be placed in lithotomy position. 采用逆行手术,取截石位。